Switch on my computer and login into DBS website only to find that they are doing maintanence... What a time to do sure things...
Then I saw phone banking is not affected, hehe quick use my phone to call.
Couldn't believe what i heard over the phone... Hang up and do some calculation, couldn't believe my hear, must be i hear wrongly right...
Call again to confirm hehe...
Didn't sleep the whole night...
Reach office, boss quickly ask one by one to the room to announce the results.
Was really surprise this year is so much!!! I was expecting 4 mths only.
Was happy for awhile...
This is my 2 yrs 5 mths with MIZUHO, I have been doing very good.
I was first employed as a contract of 1 yr.
A month before my contract ended, my lady boss told me to end the contract early as the company want to convert me to a permenant staff.
A year later, I was promoted!!!
Of coz, not everyone is happy for my promotion. They think I only work for 2 yrs, I get to promote?
Boss told me the company will look at the performance and the not the amount of years you been in the company.
This round of apprasal, I continue to do well and got a good rating.
Everyone in my team know about my performance and progress. Do I did that good to get this result? Some might wonder... Bryan work on the dot and leave on the dot!!! Still get sure rating!?!? Not that I sa kar or wat...
During lunch, my colleagues demand a treat from me. I bring them to a nearby eating place and treat them. But they pay back after the meal...
(Everytime I will share my happiness to people around me!
Treated dinner to my group of close friends when I got conversion to perm and promoted the last time.)
Told a few friends about my bonus, but all seems not happy. :(
They will say wah so good ah... then they will compare with themselves i think...
No one, no one seems happy for me...
Should I have keep quiet about it? Everyone's eyes are red?
I'm just sharing my joy.
Am I climbing too fast?
I'm just doing my work...
End of the day who share my joy?
My love dog LUCKY. That's wat they mean man's best friend?

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